Thursday, June 12, 2014

Give Blood for Those Who Give Life

“I got feeling like flying in the blue moon after donating blood. Yeah! I did another good deed at least.” Referring to you, what is your reckon to voluntary blood donation?

If it is not now, so when? Life is unforeseen, so your participant will probably recue to those who urgently desperately need your help such as delivering mother, surgical patient and young children who got serious disease. 

Hence, on June 14, 2014 known as World Blood Donor Day, National Blood Transfusion Center (NBTC) will held a very big event for regular blood donor and to promote participation in this field. We really need your helping hand and consolidation to decrease the number of death in result of lacking blood support on time; especially unsuccessful mother during delivering baby. And the theme of this year is “Give blood for those who give life.”

On behalf of NBTC, Banung, a public relation officer said, “It is necessary to have blood stored and used in time. It is not for the sake of individual but everyone, nation. 

She, with a strength look, continue, “It has been doubt on blood sale. Here, I admit that NBTC has never ever sold even a package of blood or take any benefit from it. Frankly speaking, this case could be happened by private hospital through service charging such as transferring and injecting blood. Or some other case is beyond our control. We try to find better way to deal and prevent it, though.”

Contrary to this, not knowing why for those who still not take any action should start to join in hand since when the blood bank covers full storages, those who is willing to take illegal act will not be allowed.

Here, it is to be certified that everyone can donate blood any time not just on world blood donor day since NBTC is openly welcomed for 24 hours 7 days per week.

Joint-in-hand is for a better you, your family and nation.